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Gates of Dawn

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The best part about Virtravel is that you can travel and explore the world from the comfort of your home and drinking tea

Gates of Dawn

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Gates of Dawn

Milda Baškevičiūtė

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Gates of Dawn
Famous historical gate and chapel

Dawn Gate is a famous historical gate and chapel in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. The gate was originally built in the 16th century as part of the city’s defensive fortifications. It is named after the nearby St. In the name of the Church of the Mother of God, which is also called the Church of the Gate of Dawn.

The Dawn Gate Chapel above the gate was built in the 17th century and is famous for its icon of the Virgin Mary, which is said to have magical powers. The icon is known as the Vilnius Madonna and is considered one of the most important religious artifacts in Lithuania. The chapel is a popular pilgrimage site for both Catholic and Orthodox Christians.

This building played an important role in the history and culture of Lithuania. Many important events took place here, including the first public demonstration for Lithuanian independence in 1919. During the occupation of the Soviet Union, the chapel became a symbol of resistance to communist oppression and remains an important symbol of Lithuanian national identity to this day. day.


The history of “Gate of Dawn” dates back to the 16th century, when Vilnius was a fortified city protected by a complex network of walls and gates. The gate was originally known as the Medininkai Gate because it faced the city of Medininkai, south of Vilnius.

In 1522, a wooden chapel dedicated to the Holy Mother of God was built above the gate. Over time, the chapel became an important place of pilgrimage for Catholic believers who came to pray in front of the image of the Virgin Mary.

In the 17th century, the wooden chapel was replaced by a brick structure that has survived to this day. The Dawn Gate Chapel is built in the Baroque style, with elaborate decorations and frescoes.

The gate and the chapel played an important role in the history of Lithuania. In 1795, after the third partition of Poland, Vilnius was annexed by the Russian Empire. The Dawn Gate Chapel became the center of Lithuanian national identity and a symbol of resistance to Russian oppression.

In the 20th century, the Dawn Gate continued to be a symbol of Lithuania’s independence and resistance. in 1919 the first public demonstration for Lithuanian independence was held at the gate. During the Soviet occupation, the chapel was a place of underground resistance, and Lithuanians held protests and other acts of civil disobedience there.

Today, the Dawn Gate remains an important symbol of Lithuanian culture and history. It is one of the most visited objects in Vilnius, loved by pilgrims and tourists. The chapel continues to be an active place of worship, hosting daily Mass and other religious services.


Several legends are associated with the Dawn gate – the historical gates of Vilnius and the chapel.

One of the most famous legends is about the miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary located in the chapel above the gate. According to legend, a poor girl was carrying an icon from one church to another when she was attacked by robbers. The girl prayed for the protection of the Virgin Mary, and the robbers suddenly went blind. The girl managed to escape, and the robbers regained their sight after they began to repent of their sins.

Another legend tells of a mysterious stranger who appeared at the Dawn Gate one night in the 19th century. A stranger dressed in black and with a long beard approached the gate and placed his hand on the wall. Suddenly, a secret door opened, revealing a hidden room behind the wall. The stranger entered the room and disappeared, the door closing behind him. To this day, no one knows who the mysterious stranger was or what he was doing at the Gate of Dawn.

The third legend relates to the gate itself. According to legend, the gate was built by a group of craftsmen who were promised a considerable amount of money for their work. But when the gate was completed, the town government refused to pay the artisans. In retaliation, the artisans placed a curse on the gates, saying they would only stand until the city was free. The gate stood for centuries, even during periods of foreign occupation, and still stands today.

These legends contributed to the mystery and significance of the Dawn Gate, which remains an important cultural and historical place in Lithuania.

Vilnius Madonna

The Madonna of Vilnius is a famous icon of the Virgin Mary located in the Chapel of the Dawn Gate, the historic gate of Vilnius and the chapel. The painting on the tree is considered one of the most important religious artifacts in Lithuania and is believed to have magical powers.

The painting, also known as Our Lady of the Gates of Dawn, dates from the 17th century and depicts the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus in her arms, surrounded by angels. The painting is said to be by an unknown artist, and its origin and history are shrouded in mystery.

Over the centuries, the Vilnius Madonna has become an important symbol of Lithuanian national identity and religious faith. The painting played a significant role in the history of Lithuania, especially during the Soviet occupation in the 20th century, when the chapel became a center of resistance to communist oppression.

Today, the Chapel of the Dawn Gate and the Madonna of Vilnius remain an important place of pilgrimage for Catholic believers and a popular tourist destination. The chapel is open to visitors every day and hosts religious services, including daily mass. The Vilnius Madonna remains an object of veneration, and many people believe that she can heal and perform miracles.

Five reasons to visit the Gates of Dawn

Here are the five most important reasons to visit the Vilnius Gate of Dawn:

1. Historical significance: Dawn Gate is one of the most significant historical places in Vilnius, having played an important role in the history of the city for centuries. The gate and the chapel date back to the 16th century. and are witnesses of many important events in the history of Lithuania.

2. Cultural significance: The Dawn Gate Chapel is a center of Catholic worship and pilgrimage, an important symbol of Lithuanian national identity and religious faith. The famous Virgin Mary icon in the chapel – Vilnius Madonna – is considered one of the most important religious artifacts in Lithuania.

3. Architectural beauty: The gate and the chapel are fine examples of baroque architecture, adorned with elaborate sculptures and decorations. The interior of the chapel is particularly impressive – with high ceilings, ornate altars, and beautiful stained glass windows.

4. Mysticism and legend: “Aušros Vartus” is surrounded by many impressive legends and myths, among which are stories about the miracles performed by the Madonna of Vilnius, the mysterious strangers who appeared at the gate, the curses placed on the gate by evil craftsmen.

5. Tourist attraction: The Gate of Dawn is a popular tourist attraction in Vilnius, visited by thousands of people every year. The gate and chapel are right in the center of the town, making it easily accessible for visitors, with many other attractions and amenities close by.

Child Friendly
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Free Parking
Soft Drinks
You can reach Gates of Dawn by buses 13, 31, 34, 74, 88 and 88N
Entrance to the Dawn Gate Chapel is free.
Photography and filming in the Chapel of the Dawn Gate is free of charge. Please be serious when filming and taking photos.
You can find the official schedule of the Dawn Gate mass on the official website
2 Reviews
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Detail info
Aušros Vartų g. 14, 01303 Vilnius, Lietuva
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